AB 1831 (Solorio)
Would require ASES programs with 25% or more English Learners enrolled to create a plan to support EL students


Current Status: This bill was passed as amended by the Assembly Committee on Education on April 21, 2010 with a vote of 6 – 3 in favor. It has been re-referred to the Committee on Appropriations where it was placed on the suspense file prior to being held under submission.

In the most recent iteration of AB 1831, the bill would require a program plan to describe the manner in which the program will support English language development and acquisition for English learners if English learners comprise 25% or more of the pupils enrolled in a program. The plan would be required to include strategies that increase knowledge and usage of the English language and methods for training and professional
development of staff that are designed to support English language development and acquisition for English learners. Provisions to divert 24% of ASES funding to establish programs that support English Learners have been removed.

AB 1831 was originally introduced by Assemblymember Solorio to the California Assembly on February 11, 2010 and was referred to the Assembly Committee on Education. Citing that 24% of California’s school enrollment consists of English Learners, this bill would amend education code to reserve 24% of the overall After School Education and Safety (ASES) program funding for after-school programs that serve English Learners. Programs that would qualify for this 24% allocation would provide instruction and practice in academic lessons that increase verbal and written use of English, establish programs and strategies that support English Learners (such as translation of homework, and instruction on word meanings), provide staff with assessment data and professional development designed to improve the instruction to English Learners.