CAN Strategic Plan & Executive Summary


The California AfterSchool Network’s (CAN) purpose is to promote quality in expanded learning programs. Utilizing its unique and effective leadership and committee structure, CAN is a convener of the field, able to facilitate a two-way flow of information between the field and State and National policymakers where the needs and thoughts of the expanded learning field at all levels can influence and inform policy and policy is translated into practice. Ultimately CAN believes that these efforts will bring greater coherence and professionalism to the field.

With stakes high and time precious, CAN promotes the belief that expanded learning programs can be a robust place of learning and discovery that supports high achievement for all students. To that end, CAN leverages existing high-quality resources to the field and creates high-quality resources for the field when gaps are discovered. As a catalyst for quality, CAN disseminates promising and emerging practices around aspects of program design, implementation, and assessment. Connecting multiple levels of program practitioners with the resources, strategies, and individuals they need to ensure the most relevant and effective program possible, CAN is committed to fostering and supporting the next generation of leaders in the
expanded learning field.