CAN’s New Policy Framework
A Long-Term Vision to Guide Annual Priorities

Image of CAN's three policy framework pillars

We’re excited to share CAN’s Policy Framework

CAN believes the Out-of-School-Time (OST) field, including Expanded Learning, plays an essential role in advancing the health and well-being of every child. To achieve this, CAN and our partners focus on fundamentally redesigning systems to expand access to high-quality programs, support and nurture our workforce, and strengthen and align resources for children, families, and communities. We advocate for policy changes that address the root causes of inequity and create a more just and equitable landscape for all children and youth.

We recognize those most impacted by policy work are often the least likely to be engaged in the decision-making processes. We strive to build capacity and ensure access to advocacy opportunities for all members of our communities to advance policies that ensure we all thrive.

The purpose of this framework is to set a high-level, long-term vision that guides CAN’s annual priorities for advocacy and policy efforts. The goals outlined in this framework cannot be achieved by any one organization alone, and CAN looks forward to partnering with others across multiple sectors to advance this bold vision.