Governor’s Budget Proposal for $4.6 Billion in One-Time Funding for Expanded Learning

Governor Gavin Newsom explaining the proposed budget.

To address learning loss due to the pandemic, Governor Gavin Newsom proposes to allocate $4.6 billion in one-time Proposition 98 General Fund for early action by the Legislature. This will provide districts with time to design targeted interventions that focus on students from low-income families, English language learners, youth in foster care, and homeless youth, including an extended school year or summer school. These funds will be eligible for targeted strategies that address learning loss related to the pandemic, including community learning hubs. 

To learn more, this EdSource has published an article showcasing the highlights of the proposal. 

In response to the Governor’s proposed budget, Superintendent Thurmond released a statement Friday, which also talks about expanded learning programs. 

Lastly, last week, Linda Darling Hammond’s commentary referenced LPI’s recommendation to provide expanded learning time to restart and reinvest school. 

CAN will host a Fireside Chat with Michael Funk from CDE on this topic later this month to discuss more of the details of this proposal.