Reminder: Cycle-C-ASES Renewal Application Due
Due: January 19, 2024

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This information provides After School Education and Safety Grant Renewal, Cycle C Grantees with details about the After School Education and Safety (ASES) and ASES Frontier Transportation grant renewal process. The ASES grantees listed under renewal Cycle C will have the opportunity to apply for renewal for another three-year period, consistent with California Education Code (EC) Section 8483.7(a)(1)(A). There are two parts to this process:

  1. Submit a current ASES Program Plan, and,
  2. Submit the ASES renewal application.

Current grantees may verify the grant cycle of their program on the California Department of Education’s (CDE’s) ASES Grant Renewal Cycles web page at ASES Grant Renewal Cycles.

Cycle C Renewal Due Dates

Renewal Grant Item

Due Date

ASES Renewal Program Plan

November 9, 2023, by email

ASES Renewal Application

January 19, 2024, by email

ASES Renewal Application

There was a delay in the rollout of the After School Support and Information (ASSIST) database reporting system for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023–24. Due to this delay, we have adjusted the ASES Renewal Application submission due date to January 19, 2024.  Grantees are given a nine–week window to complete and submit the application in order for the ASES Renewal process to be completed. 

Submitting the Renewal Application

Cycle C, ASES grantees must submit the completed ASES renewal application in order for the renewal to be considered complete. Grantees must submit a signed electronic copy of the ASES renewal application to the EXLD by email at no later than January 19, 2024. Please include your agency name, grant identification, and ASES Renewal Application on the subject line of the email submission. The application can be sent as an attachment to the email.

Need support or have questions? Please email the EXLD at