Policy Guidance

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Contains access to general information on specific policies related to ASES and 21st CCLC implementation and Federal Program Monitoring (FPM).

Direct Services and Administrative Costs Guidance


Guidance for direct services and administrative costs concerning after school program grants. The purpose of this guidance is to ensure that the grantee has sufficient and clear information on how to spend and report direct services and administrative costs.

Late Arrival and Early Release Guidance


Guidance for early release policies in afterschool programs. The purpose of this guidance is to ensure that After School and Education Safety (ASES) and 21stCentury Community Learning Centers (CCLC) grantees have established a late arrival and early release policy and are implementing the policy accurately and consistently, leaving an audit trail.

Field Trip and Recognition Policy Guidance


Guidance on field trips and recognition in afterschool programs. The purpose of this guidance is to ensure that grantees have the correct information when developing their program plans regarding field trips and/or recognitions, and are in compliance with federal guidance provided in OMB Circular A-87 concerning allowable expenditures. This guidance is intended, but is not guaranteed, to provide the most defensible position in case of an audit. It is the grantee’s responsibility to keep detailed records and justifications on file for audit and/or monitoring purposes.

Dual Funded Sites Attendance Reporting


Guidance on reporting attendance for dual-funded sites. The purpose of this guidance is to ensure that grantees with dual-funded sites are able to record the attendance of students enrolled in either the ASES Program or the 21st CCLC Program so as to minimize the likelihood of an audit finding or an involuntary grant reduction.

California Education Code requires grantees to record actual student attendance for each day of attendance in either the ASES or 21st CCLC before and after school programs. The daily attendance shall be recorded for all the students attending the before and/or after school program on each school day the before and after school program operates.

Before and After School Program Federal Program Monitoring Instrument


The California Department of Education’s 2016-17 Before and After School (BASP) Federal Program Monitoring Instrument. Program instruments contain program-specific federal and state legal requirements that will be tested during the monitoring process. They provide examples of evidence that may be used to demonstrate compliance.

Annual Evaluation and CQI FAQ’s


Expanded Learning in California Grantee Orientation Video: Grants 101

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This video will cover the basic requirements of Expanded Learning grants funded through the California Department of Education.

Expanded Learning in California Grantee Orientation Video: Federal Program Monitoring

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This video will cover the following topics:

  • The Before and After School Program BASP Federal Program Monitoring Instrument
  • The California Monitoring Tool
  • The Seven Dimensions of the BASP Federal Program Monitoring Instrument
  • Common Before and After School Program Federal Program Monitoring findings 
  • Frequently asked Federal Program Monitoring questions