America Walks Opens 2019 Community Change Grant
Deadline: November 8th by 5pm Eastern


America Walks, partners of the Every Body Walk! Collaborative, Lyft, WalkBoston, and other generous sponsors, are excited to announce another round of our popular Community Change Grant program. This program will award grantees $1,500.00 in community stipends for projects related to creating healthy, active, and engaged places to live, work, and play.

America Walks has seen firsthand that the passion, innovation and hard work of advocates and local organizations to advance safe, equitable, accessible, and enjoyable places to walk and move are what create the foundation for walkable communities across the US. This grant program will work to provide support to the growing network of advocates, organizations, and agencies using innovative, engaging, and inclusive programs and projects to create change at the community level.

Funded projects must demonstrate that they will show increased physical activity and active transportation in a specific community, work to engage people and organizations new to the efforts of walking and walkability, and demonstrate a culture of inclusive health. Projects will create healthy, active, and engaged communities that support walking as transportation, health, and recreation.

Awardees will be notified in December 2019. Funds must be used in the 2020 calendar year.