


Stay up to date with all the exciting Expanded Learning and out-of-school time learning information by receiving the CAN newsletter. Check out recent and past newsletters, and don’t forget to sign up to be on our list serve!

STEAM Newsletter

STEAM Newsletter – A Summer of Workshops and Activities!
July 2024

Students examine plants in their school garden

Summer is more than just a break from school—it’s the perfect time to engage students in the exciting world of STEAM. This week commemorates the National Summer Learning Association’s National Summer Learning Week (July 15-19, 2024), which is dedicated to celebrating and emphasizing the importance of keeping kids learning, safe, and healthy throughout the summer and ensuring they return to school prepared for success in the upcoming year.

Health and Wellness Newsletter

Health & Wellness Newsletter – Supporting the Whole Child
June 25, 2024

Four girls with their backs turned to the camera making hearts with their hands

June is the start of Summer, but it is also a month full of celebration and remembrance. This month, we honor LGBTQ+ Pride Month and Juneteenth—two important observances pivotal to recognizing the intersectionality of identity and diverse lived experiences of our communities children, youth, and families. The diversity of our youth highlights that caring for them isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach.

Policy Newsletter

CAN Policy Newsletter – May Revise Protects Expanded Learning!
June 5, 2024

graphic of key budget dates

May Revise has come! After the Governor delivered his May Revision presentation on May 10th, more details were shared, and much discussion ensued.

We are grateful for our Governor’s commitment to education and are happy to see Expanded Learning funding protected! 

“I want to see us preserve the progress we’ve made on Community Schools, Preschool, Afterschool, and Summer school for all. The work we’re doing is nation-leading in the education space.” -Gavin Newsom.

STEAM Newsletter

STEAM Newsletter – Get Ready for a Summer of Computer Science!
May 28, 2024

Someone working with wires on a table

Summer is right around the corner and you know what that means - the start of Summer of CS, a part of California’s Year-Round Computer Science (CS) Professional Learning Program! With schools on break, afterschool programs can step in to offer enriching, hands-on experiences that go beyond the traditional classroom. Whether it’s through coding boot camps, robotics clubs, or app development workshops, these initiatives can inspire the next generation of tech innovators.

CAN Newsletter

CAN Newsletter – Celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month!
May 22, 2024

Be the Safe Space You Needed

Did you know that more than 40% of teens said they persistently felt sad or hopeless?

Did you know that 98% of educators said mental health challenges are a barrier to children’s education? According to the Kids Mental Health Foundation, the leading organization promoting mental health for children in the United States, states, “For kids, building connections matters,” and “helping children and youth build healthy relationships helps protect their mental health.” 

Health and Wellness Newsletter

Health & Wellness Newsletter – Spring into Self-Care!
April 23, 2024

Photot of woman smelling roses wearing a shirt that says "resilient"

As we move out of Winter and into the bloom of Spring, there’s a natural inclination to embrace renewal and rejuvenation. With longer days comes the opportunity and celebration of self-care in all of its different forms!

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and a perfect time to reflect on your well-being and how you can continue to support yourself and the people around you. 

STEAM Newsletter

STEAM Newsletter – Celebrating Women’s History Month!
March 2024

Female scientist putting liquid in a test tube

As Women’s History Month draws to a close, let’s take a moment to honor the remarkable contributions of women in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). Throughout history, women have played pivotal roles in shaping the landscape of scientific discovery, innovation, and technological advancement. Today, we honor women making waves in STEAM, from ground-breaking research to fostering diversity. Their success emphasizes the importance of breaking gender barriers in pursuing our passions and shaping a brighter future.

CAN Newsletter

CAN Newsletter – Spring into Events Season!
March 12, 2024

Folks at the CA Afterschool & Summer Challenge

With Spring Equinox around the corner, you know what that means… events season is here! CAN is excited to participate in multiple convenings in Spring and Summer! In case you missed it, we are wrapping up day two of the 20th annual California Afterschool and Summer Challenge in Sacramento. Hosted by CalSAC, CAN is a proud partner of the annual statewide Challenge, which educates and empowers professionals, youth, and families to engage in grassroots advocacy.

CAN Newsletter

CAN Newsletter – The 2024 Symposium Was a BLAST!
February 29, 2024

We are still riding high on all the Symposium & Agents of Change love! The Symposium Planning Team, with support from the California AfterSchool Network, California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division, and the System of Support for Expanded Learning, convened the 7th annual Site Coordinator Symposium - Agents of Change: Growing with Expanded Learning, this past week, virtually on Wednesday, February 21, via Zoom and in person on Friday, February 23, and Saturday, Febr

STEAM Newsletter

STEAM Newsletter – #MentoringAmplifies
January 30, 2024

Two girls working on a river activityHappy New Year! Welcome to the first installment of the CAN STEAM newsletter for 2024! In honor of National Mentoring Month, we reflect on the profound impact mentors have on shaping the lives of individuals. Whether it’s guiding aspiring minds, offering valuable insights, or providing a supportive shoulder, mentors play a pivotal role in nurturing the potential within each of us.

CAN Newsletter

CAN Newsletter – Happy New Year 2024!
January 11, 2024

Today I am GratefulWelcome to a new year and a new beginning! In Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) fashion, CAN appreciates the lessons 2023 brought and the growth 2024 will show. Check out our post below with highlights from 2023; we are grateful for our experiences, partnerships, and work with all of you wonderful humans! We are excited to kick off a leap year with 366 new days and 366 new opportunities to support children, youth, and our OST and EXL fields.

Health and Wellness Newsletter

Health & Wellness Newsletter – Staying Healthy this Holiday Season!
December 19, 2023

Photo of two kids sitting in front of a fireplace

Welcome to the final Health & Wellness newsletter of 2023! Throughout the year, we’ve shared an abundance of resources to support both you and the youth you engage with in your programs and beyond. This impactful work is made possible by the unwavering dedication of our incredibly passionate field. As we conclude this year, we sincerely thank the Expanded Learning community for the fantastic work done every day!

CAN Newsletter

CAN Newsletter – Happy Holidays from CAN!
December 12, 2023

Holiday Card from CAN and the Leadership TeamIt’s the season for love and cheer! On behalf of the California AfterSchool Network and the CAN Leadership Team, we wish our CA Community of Educators during the core day and Out-of-School-Time/Expanded Learning hours a Happy Holiday! 

Reflecting on the year’s ups and downs, we are grateful for all the memories made this year. Though the end of a year might seem bittersweet, it’s a new start that brings clarity and hope. In true CQI fashion, we embrace the lessons learned in 2023 to get wisdom, inspiration, and joy in the new year!

STEAM Newsletter

STEAM Newsletter – Celebrating Native American Heritage Month
November 2023

Robert Houle oil on canvas of a Native American sitting and thinking looking out to the water

November is Native American Heritage Month and is a time to pay tribute to the rich ancestry and traditions of Native Americans and honor the significant contributions they have made to our society and STEAM. Check out! This website has resources for teachers, educators, and our communities to learn more about the heritage and history of American Indians.