


Stay up to date with all the exciting Expanded Learning and out-of-school time learning information by receiving the CAN newsletter. Check out recent and past newsletters, and don’t forget to sign up to be on our list serve!

CAN Newsletter

CAN Newsletter – The 2024 Symposium Was a BLAST!
February 29, 2024

We are still riding high on all the Symposium & Agents of Change love! The Symposium Planning Team, with support from the California AfterSchool Network, California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division, and the System of Support for Expanded Learning, convened the 7th annual Site Coordinator Symposium - Agents of Change: Growing with Expanded Learning, this past week, virtually on Wednesday, February 21, via Zoom and in person on Friday, February 23, and Saturday, Febr

STEAM Newsletter

STEAM Newsletter – #MentoringAmplifies
January 30, 2024

Two girls working on a river activityHappy New Year! Welcome to the first installment of the CAN STEAM newsletter for 2024! In honor of National Mentoring Month, we reflect on the profound impact mentors have on shaping the lives of individuals. Whether it’s guiding aspiring minds, offering valuable insights, or providing a supportive shoulder, mentors play a pivotal role in nurturing the potential within each of us.

CAN Newsletter

CAN Newsletter – Happy New Year 2024!
January 11, 2024

Today I am GratefulWelcome to a new year and a new beginning! In Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) fashion, CAN appreciates the lessons 2023 brought and the growth 2024 will show. Check out our post below with highlights from 2023; we are grateful for our experiences, partnerships, and work with all of you wonderful humans! We are excited to kick off a leap year with 366 new days and 366 new opportunities to support children, youth, and our OST and EXL fields.

Health and Wellness Newsletter

Health & Wellness Newsletter – Staying Healthy this Holiday Season!
December 19, 2023

Photo of two kids sitting in front of a fireplace

Welcome to the final Health & Wellness newsletter of 2023! Throughout the year, we’ve shared an abundance of resources to support both you and the youth you engage with in your programs and beyond. This impactful work is made possible by the unwavering dedication of our incredibly passionate field. As we conclude this year, we sincerely thank the Expanded Learning community for the fantastic work done every day!

CAN Newsletter

CAN Newsletter – Happy Holidays from CAN!
December 12, 2023

Holiday Card from CAN and the Leadership TeamIt’s the season for love and cheer! On behalf of the California AfterSchool Network and the CAN Leadership Team, we wish our CA Community of Educators during the core day and Out-of-School-Time/Expanded Learning hours a Happy Holiday! 

Reflecting on the year’s ups and downs, we are grateful for all the memories made this year. Though the end of a year might seem bittersweet, it’s a new start that brings clarity and hope. In true CQI fashion, we embrace the lessons learned in 2023 to get wisdom, inspiration, and joy in the new year!

STEAM Newsletter

STEAM Newsletter – Celebrating Native American Heritage Month
November 2023

Robert Houle oil on canvas of a Native American sitting and thinking looking out to the water

November is Native American Heritage Month and is a time to pay tribute to the rich ancestry and traditions of Native Americans and honor the significant contributions they have made to our society and STEAM. Check out! This website has resources for teachers, educators, and our communities to learn more about the heritage and history of American Indians.

CAN Newsletter

CAN Newsletter – Keeping the Lights On!
October 12, 2023

2023 Lights On Afterschool poster

As we transition to a new season, the Fall weather, and all things Pumpkin Spice, we hope you join us in celebrating the 24th annual Lights On Afterschool on Thursday, October 26, 2023! If you’re new to Out of School Time (OST) and Expanded Learning Programs, this is a day you don’t want to miss!

Health and Wellness Newsletter

Health & Wellness Newsletter – Suicide Awareness Month
September 26, 2023

Open palms with a flower in between

As September comes to a close, we take a moment to reflect on the significance of Suicide Awareness Month and the impact it has had on our collective understanding of mental health. Suicide affects individuals, families, and communities in profound ways. It’s a complex issue that thrives in silence but dwindles in the presence of understanding, empathy, and open dialogue. Suicide Awareness Month serves as an important reminder of the urgency to break the stigma, offer support, and save lives.

STEAM Newsletter

STEAM Newsletter – Sparking Curiosity in the New School Year!
August 29, 2023

Photo of speaker with quote saying "Curiosity is My Super Power"

As the summer sun starts to bid us farewell and the leaves begin to change, we are thrilled to join you for another incredible school year that inspires curiosity and creativity! CAN is here to continue to provide STEAM events, professional learning opportunities, activities, and much more. Cheers to enhancing STEAM in Out of School Time (OST) and Expanded Learning Programs throughout our communities and beyond! 

Health and Wellness Newsletter

Health & Wellness Newsletter – BIPOC Mental Health Month
July 25, 2023

Photo of 2 girl artists showing off their mural and art projects

July is BIPOC Mental Health Month. BIPOC Mental Health Month became formally recognized in 2008 to bring awareness to the unique struggles that underrepresented groups face in regard to mental illness in the US. As we embrace this observance, we recognize the critical role Expanded Learning programs play in supporting the mental well-being of our diverse youth. 

STEAM Newsletter

STEAM Newsletter – Disability Pride Month
July 18, 2023

Collage of famous people in STEAM with disabilities

July is Disability Pride Month! We celebrate those with disabilities and their contributions to STEAM and our communities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990. Every July we celebrate Disability Pride Month to commemorate the passage of this landmark civil rights law. It’s important to remember that there are numerous types of disabilities such as physical, learning, and neurological disabilities, and they aren’t always visible.

CAN Newsletter

CAN Newsletter – Reflecting on Current Events
July 12, 2023

Photo of two hands holding pinkies

We hope that this July you are finding yourself in the midst of successful summer programs and that you had an enjoyable Fourth of July. As we celebrate America’s independence, we also reflect on the principles of freedom and dissent that were core to its founding. CAN is part of a national network of statewide afterschool networks. As such, we have the unique opportunity to see how policies and social movements impact the out-of-school time community nationwide. 

Our Executive Director, Jeff Davis reflected on this in a recent How Kids Learn publication, Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth in Afterschool Programs and Opposing Anti-LGBTQ+ Attacks

STEAM Newsletter

STEAM Newsletter – Celebrating Juneteenth & Pride
June 30, 2023

Photo of Emancipation Day celebration held on June 19, 1900

It’s the beginning of summer! The month held summer solstice, Juneteenth, Pride, and brain awareness month. There is much to celebrate as the school year ends and out-of-school activities move outdoors!

This month we celebrate Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, and Liberation Day, also known as Juneteenth. This marks the anniversary of Union troops landing at Galveston, Texas, with the news that the Civil War ended and enslaved people were now free.

CAN Newsletter

CAN Newsletter – Show up with Pride!
June 14, 2023

Join us in celebrating Pride Month and the end of another school year!

People celebrating and waving a Pride flag in the air California AfterSchool Network stands alongside our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) community, celebrating their identity and whom they love. Pride Month serves as a beautiful reminder of the invaluable gift that the LGBTQ+ community adds to the diversity of our country, which strengthens us as we pursue equity, justice, and freedom for all.