CAN Newsletter – Leading with Love & Gratitude
November 14, 2023
Love & Gratitude – As many lives, including children and youth, are impacted by war and violence in many parts of this world, we pause and lean into love and compassion for others.
November is a time that typically kicks off the Holiday season and an opportunity for folks to engage in reflection and gratitude. We hope this month allows time and space for this to happen. Did you know that gratitude has been linked to a wide range of benefits, including strengthening your immune system and improving sleep patterns, feeling optimistic and experiencing more joy and pleasure, being more helpful and generous, and feeling less lonely and isolated? According to Robert Emmons, psychology professor and gratitude researcher at the University of California, Davis, explains that there are two key components of practicing gratitude:
- We affirm the good things we’ve received.
- We acknowledge the role other people play in providing our lives with goodness. Learn more.
So, how will you practice gratitude? What kindness will you spread in your community? What kindness will you do for your own health and wellness? Lastly, how will you lead with love and gratitude?
In Peace and Love,
The CAN Team
In This Newsletter:
Celebrating the California Expanded Learning Leadership Awards!
Thursday, October 26, 2023; 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The California AfterSchool Network, California Department of Education, and System of Support for Expanded Learning celebrated Lights On Afterschool by recognizing leaders across the state!
Congratulations to the Awardees, and thank you for the fantastic work you do in your committees!
Emerging Leadership Awardee
- Patricia Hernandez, ELP Site Director, Central Unified School District – Region 7
Innovative Leadership Awardees
ELO-P Office Hours – Winter 2023
December 2023 - February 2024
The California AfterSchool Network (CAN), in partnership with the CA Dept. of Education (CDE) Expanded Learning Division (EXLD), and other members of the System of Support for Expanded Learning are hosting ELO-P Office Hours!
Select Fridays from 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM:
Calling Site Coordinators to Present at the 2024 Site Coordinator Symposium!
February 21, and 23-24, 2024
The deadline to submit a workshop RFP for the 2024 Site Coordinator Symposium – Agents of Change: Growing with Expanded Learning is approaching; submit your RFP today!
We would love to elevate voices from the field and offer workshops led for Site Coordinators by Site Coordinators! If workshops are selected, Site Coordinators register for FREE!**
CAN’s Partnership with California Youth Opioid Response
CAN is excited to continue partnering with the California Youth Opioid Response (YOR CA). YOR California seeks to strengthen capacity and access to prevention, treatment, and recovery services, as well as access points to Medication-Assisted Treatment, for youth (ages 12-24) and their families. As our community may know, CAN is committed to promoting health and wellness to youth, parents, and communities in California by providing information, resources, promising practices, and legislation updates to the out-of-school time field. Additionally, CAN’s mission and vision aligns with our Statement of Strategic Direction Toward Equity-Driven Whole Child Health and Wellness – where Every child is well known, well cared for, and well prepared to thrive.
ESSER III Summer Round 1 Renewal Application Available in ASSIST!
Application Due: November 30, 2023
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD)
of the California Department of Education (CDE) is pleased to
announce a renewal opportunity for the
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III
Summer Grant Program for Round 1 Recipients
only. The CDE has $52 million available for this
renewal opportunity!
The Application is Now available in ASSIST for FY 2023-24!
The application consists of:
Interview with CA EXL Leadership Awardees #1
Fireside Chat: November 8, 2023
Join us for Fireside Chat #55!
In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network is joined by Michael Funk, Director of the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education (EXLD). This chat kicks off a series of chats with 2023 California Expanded Learning Leadership Awardees who were recognized earlier this year during the annual Lights On Afterschool celebration. In this first inspirational chat, we are joined by:
21st CCLC and ASSETS FY 2023-24 GANs
November 13, 2023
The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) of the California Department of Education (CDE) is pleased to announce the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) and High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) Grant Award Notifications (GANs) have been mailed as of Saturday to the Superintendents and Authorized Agents for Fiscal Year 2023-24.
How Do Elementary Students Show Kindness to Others?
A recent study in the Journal of Positive Psychology explored how children perceive kindness and its implications for promoting kindness in the classroom. The study found that children’s understanding of kindness goes beyond mere niceness, encompassing generous and compassionate behaviors. This research suggests that focusing on generosity, compassion, and inclusion can be effective in teaching kindness.
Free COVID-19 Rapid Tests for Households
Every U.S. household can place an order to receive four more free COVID-19 rapid tests delivered directly to their home. Take advantage of this free resource to stay safe this winter!
Afterschool and Summer Challenge Webinar Series
Various Dates: November 16, 29, 2023; January 17, May 22, 2024
Get ready for the Afterschool and Summer Challenge! CalSac, in partnership with the California AfterSchool Network, Partnership for Children and Youth, and Innovate Schools, is hosting webinars on various topics related to the Afterschool and Summer Challenge!
Register for these upcoming webinars:
- Youth Advocacy: Bringing Youth to the Challenge – Thu. Nov 16, 2023; 12:00 PM PST
- Who Wants to be a Team Leader? – Wed. Nov 29, 2023; 12:00 PM PST
- Unpacking “Advocacy” vs “Lobbying” and how the California Budget impacts me - Wed. Jan 17, 2024; 10:00 AM PST
- Potential Impact of Budget Revise on Providers and Programs – Wed. May 22, 2024; 10:00 AM PST
Watch recordings for past webinars here.
November is Native American Heritage Month
November is Native American Heritage Month! This month serves as a crucial reminder of the rich and complex history of indigenous peoples in the United States. Understanding native history is integral to understanding American history in its entirety. It helps us acknowledge the profound impact of indigenous cultures on the nation’s identity, language, traditions, and values. Recognizing the contributions and resilience of Native Americans fosters a more inclusive and accurate narrative, promoting cultural appreciation and mutual respect.
Explore these resources to celebrate this month:
- Learn what Native Land you currently reside on:
- Native American Documentaries
Learning in Afterschool & Summer Resources
Check out these resources from the Learning in Afterschool & Summer blog:
Check Out Our Other Newsletters!
Access the CAN newsletter archives to view past newsletters today! You may be interested in some of our other newsletters as well:
CAN Health and Wellness Newsletters
- Get informed on the connections between afterschool and Whole Child Health and Wellness.
- Subscribe today!
CAN STEAM Newsletters
- Get informed about the Million Girl Moonshot project and access other STEAM resources.
- Subscribe today!
CAN Policy Newsletter
- Get informed about policy-related content, including national, state, and local updates, that supports our Expanded Learning programs.
- Subscribe today!