NuPA Newsletter – October 15, 2018

E-mail blast

Welcome back to school!

The Nutrition and Physical Activity Action Team is thrilled to be back from Summer break, and providing you with tons of afterschool updates and NuPA resources. We hope that you find the information in this newsletter valuable and continue to stay tuned for future NuPA newsletters. Do you have a friend or colleague you would like to share the newsletter with? Send them the link to the CAN NuPA newsletter webpage where they can access the newsletter and sign up to receive future action team correspondence!

Items included in this newsletter


Building Stronger Afterschool Programs With Nutritious, Reimbursable Suppers

The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Afterschool Meal Program provides funding to serve suppers and snacks to children after the school day ends, and during weekends and school holidays. Both a snack and supper can be served to children up to age 18 sites in low-income communities that offer educational and enrichment activities-these include schools, recreation centers, YMCAs, and Boys & Girls Clubs.


The HEPA Standards 2.0

The National Healthy Out of School Time (HOST) Coalition Leadership Team has recently refreshed the national Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (HEPA) standards. The HEPA Standards 2.0 features a streamlined, user-friendly version of the Standards.


Upcoming Webinars

Stay updated and check out some of these upcoming webinars related to nutrition and physical activity: