ELO Program Planning Workshop Materials
Breakout Sessions
The breakout sessions are intended to meet you where you are and help connect you with the resources, ideas, and information that will help you progress your planning efforts. Find workshop resources including recordings, slide decks, and other materials linked below.
Brand New to Expanded Learning
For those that are brand new to Expanded Learning and have questions about the basics.
Facilitated by Danielle Jones, Stanislaus County Office of Education, Region 6 County Lead and Taliea Smith, Give Every Child A Chance/Manteca USD, School of Leadership and Facilitation Fellow and Site Coordinator
Planning 101
Maybe you know the basics about Expanded Learning but aren’t sure how to start with your ELO Program planning.
Facilitated by Tiffany Gipson and Troy Selvey from the California AfterSchool Network, and Julie Sesser and Diego Arancibia from ASAPconnect
Additional Session Links:
- ELO-Program FAQ’s
- ELO-Program Program Plan Guide
- Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in California
- CAN: Self-Assessment - Safe and Supporting Environment
Community Engagement
Community Engagement is an essential component for ALL of your planning efforts. Join this breakout to dig into engagement strategies for your community!
Facilitated by Steven Sterling Mitchell, Assistant Director, Community Engagement and System of Support from the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence.
Space to Innovate 101
For those who have already started planning but would like to get some more ideas; will include LEA’s working on some innovative ideas.
Facilitated by Michael Funk from the Expanded Learning Division of CDE and local districts.
Space to Innovate 201, Integration
If you want to take your innovation deeper, and connect with others about cross-sector partnership and innovation leveraging multiple funding sources.
Facilitated by Jeff Davis from California AfterSchool Network and Hayin Kimner from CSLX.
Additional Session Links:
- Blog: California’s Golden Opportunity
- Statement of Strategic Direction Toward Equity-Driven Whole Child Health and Wellness
- ELO-P Fireside Chats
Space to Innovate 201, Summer Learning
If you want to take your innovation deeper and connect with others on Summer Learning.
Facilitated by Jessica Gunderson and Aleah Rosario from Partnership for Children and Youth.
Additional Session Links:
- PCY Summer 2021 Report – includes models and tools, such as sample site schedules, from Summer 2021
- PCY Summer Guide
- Summer Game Plan Workshop Series
Upcoming Sessions:
Jan 25 at 12:30pm: Summer Planning and Partnerships
Feb (date TBD) on Innovative Staffing Solutions
Future sessions (Mar- May) on integrating Universal Pre-Kindergarten, serving target student groups, outreach, operations, staff training and onboarding, continuous quality improvement
Planning Tools:
- SCRI Preparing for day one/week one planning checklist
- SCRI LEA Needs Assessment
- Summer Learning Recruitment Guide, including 8 Keys to Success for Summer Learning Recruitment infographic (Wallace Foundation)
Engaging and Paying HS Students:
- Tips and tools on how schools can pay HS students
- Webinar recording on engaging HS students during summer (PCY and Linked Learning Alliance)
Sign up for the PCY newsletter to get updates on future Summer Game Plan Workshop sessions and new resources
Unique Spaces – Leveraging $50K Apportionments
A peer dialogue for those navigating the unique opportunities of smaller apportionment amounts.
Facilitated by Bessie Glossenger, Regional Lead, Mendocino County Office of Education; Melea Meyer, R1 STEAM Hub/ Sonoma County Lead, Mendocino County Office of Education; and Gloria Halley, Regional Lead, Butte County Office of Education
Technical Deeper Dive
For those that are interested in the more technical details and Q&A to move along their planning efforts.
Facilitated by Sterling Williams and Jen Taylor from the Expanded Learning Division of CDE.