2016 Participation Report from the Physical Activity Council


The Physical Activity Council released the 2016 Participation Report. The report gives a broad overview of an annual study that tracks participation in 120 sports and fitness activities, by generation, inactivity by age and income level, and pending trends. According to the report, participation in sports seemed to be fluctuating over the last few years, with an increase in team, winter, water, and fitness sports participation. Individual sports declined slightly in 2015 while racquet and outdoor sports remained flat. The overall levels of inactivity decreased marginally in the last 12 months from 28.3% of Americans age six and older in 2014 to 27.7% in 2015. The Physical Education Pathway results of the report indicate that kids who receive physical education and participate in physical exercise in school are more likely to be active outside of the school setting. Access the 2016 Participation Report here