2023–24 Annual Outcomes Based Data for Evaluation and Continuous Quality Improvement
Due Monday, September 30, 2024.
The CDE Expanded Learning Division
recently sent grantees an email with important information
on the 2023–24 Annual Outcomes Based Data for Evaluation and
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) report, which is due
Monday, September 30, 2024.
Please read the full content of this post, as it contains important instructions for submitting the report. Please ensure all contacts are current in ASSIST.
The 2023–24 Annual Outcomes Based Data for Evaluation and CQI report is a grant requirement for the following programs:
- After School Education and Safety (ASES) Program
- 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Program
- 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) Program.
Failure to report this data will lead to grant termination per California Education Code Section 8483.7(a)(1)(G).
The Excel workbooks used to complete these reports are attached to this post. One workbook is for 21st CCLC and ASES elementary/middle programs (2023–24 ASPEVAL); the other workbook is for high school ASSETs programs (2023–24 ASSETs). Each workbook includes two tabs for data input:
- Outcome Data for Evaluation
- Continuous Quality Improvement
What’s new this year?
The Annual Evaluations & CQI Frequently Asked Questions was updated to include guidance regarding Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) funded programs (General Reporting #9).
- As a reminder, access to ELO-P is not equivalent to ASES/21st CCLC daily attendance.
- Attendance from programs solely funded under ELO-P will not be accepted in this report.
- For more information, please visit the FAQs page: Annual Evaluation & CQI Frequently Asked Questions – Expanded Learning (CA Dept of Education)
Recap of last year’s changes
For this data collection period (FY 2023–24), as it relates to the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program:
- If you are operating a single comprehensive program that includes ASES, 21st CCLC, and ELO-P funding, report daily attendance, not access.
- Access to ELO-P is not equivalent to ASES/21st CCLC daily attendance.
How to Submit Your Report
The attached Excel workbooks require state student identifiers. To protect student-level personally identifiable information, you must use the following California Department of Education’s exFiles process to ensure your data is secure (do not submit the reports via email).
Please follow the submittal/upload instructions below.
Click on the following link: exFiles File Transfer System.
Enter the following information in this order:
- For Project Code, type aspa (case sensitive)
- Click Submit Code
- For Upload/Download Password, type 2PeKS6ef (case sensitive)
- Click Submit Password
- Under File to Upload,
click Choose File and select your
completed Excel data file.
- Prior to uploading, please use the following naming convention for your File Name: [Grantee Name] 2023–24 ASPEVAL or [Grantee Name] 2023–24 ASSETs (ex: XYZ Unified 2023–24 ASPEVAL or XYZ Unified 2023–24 ASSETs).
- For Description, please enter the
uploader’s name and email address
- The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) uses the name and email to contact the person uploading the report(s) if there are any issues with the report.
- In the File Encryption Password field, please clear/delete the characters that are pre-populated
- For File Encryption Password,
type aspa1234 (case sensitive)
- The EXLD uses the same File Encryption Password (aspa1234) to download the report.
- Click Upload Files
Note: If a message “File to Upload file name required” appears, click Choose File, select the file again, and click Upload Files.
This concludes the file-uploading process.
Before preparing your report, please review the following resources:
- Annual Evaluation and CQI Frequently Asked Questions web page.
- ASPEVAL and ASSETs Instructions
- California Department of Education Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in California.
- California Department of Education CQI Guidance for a Quality Improvement Process web page.
- Engaging in a Program Quality Improvement Process for Expanded Learning Programs webinar.
For questions regarding this subject, please contact the Help Desk by email at aspeval@cde.ca.gov.