APR-Spring 2021 Window Is Open

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CDE is announcing the Spring 2021 opening of the 2020–21 Annual Performance Report (APR) windows for submission.

Submission Windows

Spring 2021: Open September 1, 2021, to December 14, 2021 (Reporting cumulative data for Fall and Spring)


The 21st Century Annual Performance Report (21APR) is a data collection tool administered by the U.S. Department of Education for all 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) grantees. The California Department of Education (CDE) may withhold payment or terminate grants if the APR is not submitted by the deadline. Grantees are responsible to report the following data for their 21stCCLC programs (core grant/school sites only):

  1. Profile updates (including contact information):
  2. Activities
  3. Staffing
  4. Participation (attendance)
  5. Outcomes
  6. Outcome Measures—Reading (English Language Arts) and Mathematics
  7. State Assessment Results (Smarter Balanced Assessment):
  8. Not Proficient (standard not met)—Baseline is 2019 (2019 results represent fiscal year [FY] 2018–19)
  9. Proficient (standard met or standard exceeded)—Baseline is 2020 (2020 results represent FY 2019–20)

IMPORTANT NOTE: As most local educational agencies (LEAs) used a locally determined assessment instead of the SBAC (Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium) this year, and will only report out on results through their SARC (School Accountability Report Card) report; and the LEAs that did use the SBAC used a “smaller” version, based on a reduced blueprint. As a result, inputting this data into the 21APR system, grantees provide an explanation in the narrative section about their lack of data for this. 

Please note: After these dates, the system is no longer active and grantees will not be able to add data. If your data is not submitted on time, your grant will be considered “Not in Good Standing.”

Grantee Level Justification

To capture justification at the grantee level, a new field has been added to the Grantee Overview page. Use this space to explain how the grantee and its centers have been impacted by the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. For example, you can explain why data is not available and if/when you expect to be able to access the data to report it.

Center Level Justification

To capture conditions at the center level, two options have been added to the “Inactive term” dropdown on the Center Overview page. The two new options are “COVID-19, Data Not Available” and “COVID-19, Data Not Available at This Time.”


Please remember to take a look at your sites that are in the 21APR system. If there are any sites that have closed, or are no longer active, mark them inactive or delete them out of the system when submitting the data.


  • 21APR Tactile Group web page, including guidance and Frequently Asked Questions
  • APR Webinar CDE 21st CCLC web page

If you have any questions, need assistance to reset your password, or would like to verify your data has been submitted into the reporting system; please contact Andrea Shumate, Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Expanded Learning Division, by phone at 916-445-5620 (voicemail only) or by email at ashumate@cde.ca.gov.

If you have technical problems with the reporting system, please contact:

21st CCLC APR Help Desk

Help Desk Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time)

Phone Number: 1-888-282-4589

Email: 21apr@thetactilegroup.com

Please stay tuned for more information coming about the new Government Performance Result Act as it will change what data is collected starting in Summer 2021 and entered into the 21APR system for the following year.