CA Expanded Learning Opportunities TA Landscape Project
Mapping the CA Technical Assistance Landscape


The After School Division (ASD) is mapping the Landscape of Technical Assistance (TA) for Expanded Learning Opportunity programs in California. This Landscape will describe current technical assistance services by region, strategy, and area of focus (e.g. content area and target audience). The Landscape will estimate the current reach of technical assistance services and the potential for expansion among identified providers across California. Beginning in January, ASD will be asking TA providers to complete a brief survey detailing organizational and service information. The survey will take 15-20 minutes to complete, and data will be collected using the survey January – March 2015. 

Receive the TA providers’ survey or refer a TA provider  

Why survey TA Providers?

California is a national leader in the Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) space, both for the breadth of its publicly funded Expanded Learning programs and for our growing focus on quality. The ASD is further enhancing its supports for program quality through the System of Support, including funding for technical assistance. Understanding the current TA landscape enhances the ASD’s ability to make strategic investments to support Expanded Learning Opportunities.

The TA service information collected for the Landscape will also be incorporated into a listing for Expanded Learning Opportunity programs, so that they can find TA services they need.

What can I do?

In January, TA providers will receive an online survey. If you would like to sign up to receive the survey, or refer another TA provider click here