EXLD Grant Reduction Process – Calendar Year 2023
August 18, 2023

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This update contains information on the grant reduction process for the After School Education and Safety, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, and 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) Programs.

A grant reduction process is required by California Education Code (EC) sections 8483.7 and 8483.76, effective July 1, 2024. Attached is the Grant Award Reduction chart with examples.

What’s New?

  • The 75 percent attendance reduction rule applies to school sites in the most current calendar year, including the first full calendar year for newly awarded sites.
  • Per EC sections 8483.7(C)(ii) and (D)(ii), frontier sites will only be reduced if their attendance falls below 65 percent of its targeted attendance level in two consecutive calendar years or below 55 percent in the most recent calendar year.
  • For all programs receiving a reduction, the new funding level will be set at the most recent calendar year percentage level attained plus an additional 15 percent cushion for growth.
  • The percentage figure used to determine any funding reduction for a school site will be based on actual student attendance attained percentage (out to two decimal places), without using any rounding rules or formatting.
  • If a grant recipient wants to reduce a program site down to zero and permanently relinquish their grant funding for that site, they may submit a Voluntary Site Cancellation form to the Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) by February 15, 2024, to be effective July 1, 2024. Please contact Raquel Monteiro at rmonteiro@cde.ca.gov to request the form. 

Timeline for Reductions Process

  • January 31, 2024: Attendance data reporting is due to the EXLD for the July 1–December 31, 2023 attendance data reporting period.
  • February 15, 2024: The Voluntary Site Cancellation form is due to the EXLD; This form is to permanently cancel a site from your grant.
  • February 19—February 29, 2024: Grantees in jeopardy of receiving a reduction will be contacted by their regional Analyst to inquire of any possible attendance relief credits they may be due. 
  • March 4—March 22, 2024: Data is compiled, attendance analysis completed, and grant reductions computed by the EXLD.
  • March 25—March 29, 2024: Grant recipients are notified of grant reduction amounts. Revisions to attendance data or computations will only be considered within one week of the email notice under the following circumstance:
    • Incorrect attendance data was submitted by the grantee; a request can be made for correction with an explanation that will be reviewed and approved by EXLD management.
    • July 1, 2024: Effective date of the grant reductions.

Important: Once the Reduction list is shared any revisions to attendance data or computations beyond April 5, 2024, will not be granted in order for the EXLD to meet the statutory requirements for notification of new grant awards.

If you have any questions, please contact your Regional Analyst. Contact information can be found on the California Department of Education’s Statewide System of Support for Expanded Learning Contacts web page at https://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ex/sosexplearncontacts.asp, or you can contact the EXLD by phone at 916-319-0923.