Expanded Learning Guidance on Senate Bill 98 (SB 820)

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The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) of the California Department of Education is happy to announce an update to the guidance for Senate Bill (SB) 98 (SB 820 modified on September 18, 2020), Statutes of 2020 is available for Fiscal Year 2020–21, and is posted on the California Department of Education’s website at Revised Senate Bill 98 Guidance.

This update provided the following:

  • Suspend the 15 hour requirement for the After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens programs for Fiscal Year 2020–21.
  • Suspend the use of After School Education and Safety Frontier Transportation funds for Fiscal Year 2020–21. Grantees are now able to use these funds with additional flexibility to serve students and their communities. 

If you have any questions related to this guidance, please contact your designated Regional Consultant.