Important CDE Updates
February 2020

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Important updates from the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) regarding:

*Important Due Dates
*Upcoming Regional Events


Important Dates

February 15, 2020, Last day for Expenditure and Attendance Revisions​

All grantees have until February 15 to submit expenditure and attendance revisions to their fiscal analyst. For more information, contact your regional analyst.

February 15, 2020: Voluntary Reduction Form Due

If a grant recipient wants to reduce a program site down to zero and relinquish their grant funding for that site, they may submit a Voluntary Reduction of Grant Award form to the California Department of Education (CDE) by February 15, 2020. To obtain the Voluntary Reduction of Grant Award form, please contact the fiscal analyst for your region.

Ongoing Submission: Partnership Restructure Forms

Programs are now able to restructure partnerships. To learn more about the requirements, access the Partnership Restructure form.

Ongoing Submission: School Site Substitutions

Programs are able to request a school site substitution if all of the requirements are met. If submitted and approved by October 31, it can be applied to the current fiscal year. If submitted and approved after October 31, it would be applied to the following fiscal year. To learn about the requirements, view the School Site Substitution form.

Resource Center 

Match Guidance

The Policy Committee of the Expanded Learning Division is comprised of 17 volunteers who represent a variety of positions and organizations in the expanded learning field across California. The purpose of the Policy Committee is to help clarify and communicate policy issues to help support quality programs. The Policy Committee has recently created guidance on the match requirement for After School Education and Safety (ASES) Programs. Click here to access the Match Guidance.

Trauma-Resilient Informed Practices in Expanded Learning Programs

LA’s Best, a program provider in Los Angeles California, has been working to implement trauma informed approaches in their programs. From this, this created a set of recommendations that can be found in the Trauma-Resilient Informed Practices in Expanded Learning Programs report.

Social and Emotional Learning in California

The CDE has released a guide on Social and Emotional Learning in California. Visit the CDE’s web page on Social Emotional Learning that contains more information and resources.

Resources for Homeless Children and Youths

The CDE has a web page containing Resources for Homeless Children and Youths.

Subcontract Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are sub agreements for services?
  • A sub agreement for service, also known as a subcontract or memorandum of understanding, is when the fiscal agent of the grant has a legally binding agreement with another organization or entity to help carry out the terms of the grant.
  1. How are sub agreements entered into After School Support and Information System (ASSIST)?
  • For purposes of entering a sub agreement into ASSIST, the fiscal agent only has to enter in the total dollar amount of the sub agreement(s) into line 5100.
  1. Does the CDE monitor sub agreements?
  • Through the process of Federal Program Monitoring, the CDE does monitor sub agreements to ensure all expenditures are allowable and that the grant is meeting the 85/15 requirement. To learn more, review the 85/15 guidance. It is the fiscal agent’s responsibility to monitor all sub agreements for compliance and quality.
  1. How much indirect is the fiscal agent allowed to claim for each sub agreement?
  • Fiscal agents may only claim indirect on the portion of funds that are not included in sub agreements except for the first $25,000 of each sub agreement.
  • For example, if a grantee has a sub agreement for $100,000 of their $120,000 grant, they may charge their indirect cost rate on the $20,000 they did not include in their agreement and the first $25,000 of the agreement. In total, the fiscal agent can charge their indirect cost rate on $45,000​

2020 Census: A Guide for California’s School-Based Outreach

We are excited to inform you that the 2020 Census A Guide For California’s School-Based Outreach toolkits for grade kindergarten through grade twelve schools has been released. This toolkit contains general information for understanding the census as well as parent letters, sample texts, sample social media posts, a sample press release, and talking points to support you in your programs Census 2020 outreach.

What’s New & Current Events 

Updated Education Code

Find the updated California Education Code below or see an attached PDF (emailed version only) for a quick reference.

Regional Conferences:

  • February 28, 2020: Middle and High School Summit (Region 4)
  • March 12, 2020: Inland Empire Expanded Learning Symposium (Region 10)

February 19–21, 2020: Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee Symposium
Save the date for the annual Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee Symposium that will be held in Monterey, California.

March 15–18, 2020: National AfterSchool Association Convention
Join over 2,000 members of our community at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center for four days of networking, learning and inspiration: special events, 200 plus educational sessions, daily keynotes and an interactive Learning Expo all designed to meet the needs of the developing professionals and emerging and current leaders of afterschool. Come to the National AfterSchool Association Convention 2020 and Afterschool for All Challenge and leave saying, “I’ve found my people!”.

April 20–24, 2020: AfterSchool Professionals Appreciation Week

Community partners, afterschool programs, youth and child development workers and individuals have declared the last full week of April each year as a time to recognize and appreciate expanded learning staff. To learn more, visit the AfterSchool Professionals Appreciation Week web page.

April 28–May 1, 2020: Best of Out-of-School-Time Conference

The Best of Out-of-School Time Conference is a four-day conference held in Palm Springs, California. This conference provides networking and team-building opportunities for more than 2,500 out of school time professionals with the opportunity to attend more than 150 workshops.