Lights On Afterschool a Success in CA! Continue to ensure the lights stay on after school


Thanks to your enthusiasm, California is once again a national leader in Lights on Afterschool celebrations! Over 1,000 expanded learning programs in California registered their celebrations with the Afterschool Alliance. The California Department of Education After School Division honored expanded learning innovators with Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson. Beth Chaton, Director of After School Programs for Humboldt County Office of Education, Jason Guinto (1984 – 2014) Program Manager for Oakland Unified School District, and Verna Springer, Site Coordinator for Oakland Unified School District were honored for their exemplary service and leadership.

There is still much that can be done to highlight the importance and success of California’s expanded learning programs. Continue sharing the State of the State of Expanded Learning in California and the messages in the attached talking points with policy leaders, and sign the petition to affirm your support for afterschool, calling for more programs to serve the youth still waiting for someone to turn on the lights.