New CA3 Resources Outline Funding Challenges for ASES Programs


Three new documents recently released by the California Afterschool Advocacy Alliance (CA3) outline funding challenges for ASES programs. ​Protect California’s Quality After School Programs provides a brief analysis of the benefits of expanded learning programs, the issues stagnant funding has created for ASES programs, and how a $72 million funding increase would provide relief to ASES programs. The document also outlines the importance of ongoing cost of living adjustments for the long-term sustainability of the ASES program. The document Increase the ASES Rate: Rising Costs Squeezing Programs to the Breaking Point provides a detailed analysis of the deficit created to ASES programs in the face of rising costs and flat funding. The document $72 Million for After School: Why the State Should Act highlights overwhelming public support for after school in California, how recent state policies have impacted ASES sustainability, and why the Local Control Funding Formula is not an adequate solution to address ASES funding challenges. Access the documents attached.