Reunite, Renew, and Thrive: Social and Emotional Learning Roadmap for Reopening School

Multi-colored rectangles stating "Reunite, renew, thrive"

Reunite, Renew, and Thrive: Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Roadmap for Reopening School, July 2020.

CASEL, in collaboration with 40 partners, has created a roadmap that illuminates a way forward with social and emotional learning that focuses on relationships that are built on the existing strengths of a school community.

There are four SEL Critical Practices that each offer 3-5 supporting activities. Within each activity, users are guided through Essential Questions, Actions to Prepare & Implement, and Tools to Support the Actions. Each Critical Practice ends with guidance to Sustain the work. 

The roadmap goes in depth about how to embody these four critical SEL practices as well as how to implement these practices in order for students and adults alike to reunite, renew, and thrive.