Transformative Programming: Incorporating Role Models

Rita Raman

This month we are leveraging World Ocean’s Day and International Women in Engineering Day to highlight role models in science and engineering.

Role Model Profile Videos and photos: 

World Oceans Day (June 8, 2021) 

The below assets are free profile videos of IF/THEN Ambassadors. These can be used in marketing, presentations, social media, embedded on websites, during conferences, and so much more.  

International Women in Engineering Day (June 23, 2021) 

The below assets feature IF/THEN Ambassadors and engineers Ciara Sivels and Ritu Raman. These can be used in marketing, presentations, social media, during conferences, and so much more. 

Activities and Resources for Programs That Include Role Models

World Oceans Day (June 8, 2021)

The below assets can be used in your programs as you celebrate 

International Women in Engineering day (June 23, 2021)

The below assets can all be used in your programs as you celebrate