What a Biden-Harris Administration May Mean For Afterschool

View of the front of the White House.

As of this time, Biden has appointed his education transition team that will begin setting the stage for the new administration and its policy priorities. The team comes in combination with a Biden platform which already includes a number of stated education priorities, including some that would directly affect and support access to and quality for afterschool programs.

Some changes if they come to fruition are:

  • Tripling support for Title I programs under ESEA: Afterschool programs are an allowable use and have an evidence base on moving the needle on indicators of student success.
  • Increased support for Community Schools

President-elect Biden also has a “caregiving” platform focusing on the needs of parents trying to balance their jobs and their families, especially in light of the COVID crisis, but extending before the pandemic as well. This plan includes:

  • Improved access to afterschool, weekend, and summer care for school-aged children:  Importantly, this section mentions “expanding the 21stCentury Community Learning Centers that provide critical enrichment to school-age children.” 
  • Increased Child Care Tax Credits

Check out the full Afterschool Snack blog post for more details!