CAN Newsletter – Happy New Year, After School!

E-mail blast
Happy New Year 2019

With the reflection and celebration of the holiday season behind us, CAN is energized to advance its purpose to increase access to high-quality out-of-school time opportunities that support success for all of California’s children and youth in 2019. Following are a few highlights as we begin the new year. 

  • CAN enters the year with a strong team. In December, CAN welcomed its new Program Director, Heather Williams as well as our two student assistants Niomi Gonzalez and Kim Ho. This completes CAN’s staff roster and shores up our organizational capacity to better serve you in 2019. Learn more about the CAN staff team.
  • Join Us! Next week, CAN will release a new Leadership Team application. CAN lives its motto, “of the field, for the field” and the field guides how CAN uses its human and financial resources to attain the bold goals outlined in the CAN Strategic Plan. I hope you will consider submitting your application to lead this organization. Learn more about our current Leadership Team
  • We will continue our support for Site Coordinators as a linchpin for quality, and we look forward to seeing you on February 7th and 8th in Long Beach, CA for the second annual Site Coordinator Expanded Learning Symposium. We are pleased to have key California leaders including a special guest from California’s incoming Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond’s office, and after school champion, Assemblymember Kevin McCarty along with a series of engaging plenary speakers and over 50 workshops! We will also be announcing the launch of a new initiative, a statewide Site Coordinator Network! Learn more below.  
  • Stay Tuned: This year, CAN will release a suite of tools to support Continuous Quality Improvement.  including a new Quality Standards-aligned assessment tool, online assessment system, and Continuous Quality Improvement. Many of you have offered input to these tools and for that we thank you. There will be another opportunity for field input at the BOOST Conference in Palm Springs. 
  • This is an important year for advocacy. Stay tuned to this newsletter, join the California AfterSchool Advocacy Alliance’s newsletter, and plan on attending the California Afterschool Challenge on March 11-12 of this year.   

Thank you for all you do each and every day to support children, youth, and families. We look forward to all that we can do together in 2019 and beyond. 

Keep up the great work out there!

Jeff Davis and the CAN team.  ​

Items included in this newsletter

Site Coordinator Guidebook

Site Coordinator Community of Practice Guidebook

In partnership with the California Department of Education’s Expanded Learning Division, CAN is proud to announce the release of the Site Coordinator Community of Practice Guide Book. The guide book will assist in the implementation of building a Community Practice (CoP), and will include valuable information about the elements and characteristics of a CoP while engaging in the Continuous Quality Improvement process.


Legislative Analyst Releases Cal Facts 2018

With a state as big and complex as California, the Legislative Analyst Office has published CAL Facts 2018 as a visual guide to assist with showcasing information about the state regarding topics such as public health, state/county finances, housing, and population. This edition includes twelve pages of California facts on our state’s education including national rankings, demographics, and other essential information on K-12 and higher education throughout Ca