Share Your Story

Share Your Story

We know the Expanded Learning field is engaged in a lot of amazing work across California to continue to support your students and communities during the COVID-19 Crisis.

CAN in partnership with the System of Support for Expanded Learning has begun to gather and share some of these stories but we want to do more. You can help by sharing your own story!

Share Your Story – Use Your Platform! 

If you already use social media start sharing what you have been up to. Add #ExpandedLearningAllDayEveryDay to your posts and include the CAN and CDE EXLD handles:

Looking for more ideas or support? An #ExpandedLearningAllDayEveryDay Social Media Toolkit and other resources are in the works and coming your way soon.

 If you want to find out more about our effort visit our full post here.

Thank you for all you do – you are so very appreciated!