Gathering Stories from the Expanded Learning Field

Share Your Story

We know the Expanded Learning field is engaged in a lot of amazing work across California to continue to support your students and communities during the COVID-19 Crisis.

CAN in partnership with the System of Support for Expanded Learning has begun to gather and share some of these stories but we want to do more. Check out the info below for how you can get involved!

We look forward to sharing your stories on our platforms in the coming days and weeks. Thank you for all you do – you are so very appreciated!


1. Share Your Story – Use Your Platform! 

Already on social media and sharing your stories? Add #ExpandedLearningAllDayEveryDay to your posts and include the CAN and CDE EXLD handles:

Looking for more ideas or support? An #ExpandedLearningAllDayEveryDay Social Media Toolkit and other resources are in the works and coming your way soon.

2. Submit Your Story!

Not social media savvy? Social media doesn’t do your story justice? Not a problem - we can help! Submit your story via this short Google Form and we will share your story on our platforms in the coming days and weeks.

3. Take Your Story Further – Submit a Video!

Video is a great platform to expand on your stories. If you already have video stories please feel free to include them in steps 1 and 2. 

4. Gather Stories! – Coming Soon

Help us gather stories. We know that there are a ton of great things out there that aren’t going to be captured with steps 1-3. We need your help to go out into the field and gather more stories! In the coming weeks, we will be providing resources to support you in this endeavor – stay tuned!

5. Nominate a Fireside Chat! - Coming Soon

Nominate yourself or someone else to join CAN’s Virtual Fireside Chats with Michael Funk. More details coming soon!