Let’s Move California After School
Resources to raise a healthier generation of kids.
This initiative was launched by the California AfterSchool Network Nutrition and Physical Activity Committee and is inspired by and linked to Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move initiative to raise a healthier generation of kids.
As part of this initiative the California AfterSchool Network Nutrition and Physical Activity Committee has worked with its membership and after school practitioners from throughout California to create resource cards containing seven simple tips for practitioners to increase high quality nutrition and physical activity offerings in their after school programs.
Site Coordinators & Program Directors
The Committee has created a Site Coordinators resource card containing seven simple tips for after school program Site Coordinators to create a healthy environment. The Committee has also created a Program Directors resource card containing seven simple tips for Program Directors to create an organizational culture of health.
Talking Points Card: Improve Academic Success Through Nutrition
and Physical Activity Policy and Practice
Talking Points
The Committee’s latest publication is a Talking Points resource
card on childhood obesity, nutrition and physical activity for
use with local school administrators and policymakers (school
board members, school principals, and school superintendents).
The card can also be used internally to generate better
understanding of the importance of good nutrition and increased
physical activity. It demonstrates the link between
nutrition/physical activity and academic performance, and shows
how afterschool programs provide the platform for healthier
students. The card contains research-based talking points to
generate support and buy-in for strong nutrition and physical
activity policy and practices in afterschool programs. This
support could be demonstrated through budgets, space, curricula,
staff development, healthier snacks, equipment and a healthier
school environment.