Workforce Implementation Committee


Workforce Implementation Committee
2020 - 2022

CAN convenes the Expanded Learning Workforce Implementation Committee (WIC). The purpose of the EXLD Workforce Implementation Committee (WIC) is to identify data collection needs, strategies, and target audiences to better understand the Expanded Learning workforce. This will advance the development of a diverse EXL workforce that is prepared to support the growth of children and youth, and deliver high-quality programming.

The Workforce Implementation Committee (2020-2022) will advance the goals and activities set forth in the CDE-EXLD Strategic Plan 2.0 and A Vision for EXL in CA: Recommendations for the Development of a Diverse and Thriving EXL Workforce, which outlines a comprehensive set of strategies to support and advance the workforce.

Focuses of the Workforce Implementation Committee

Between 2020-2021, the Committee will focus on the following strategies:

  • Data Collection: Establishing a shared understanding of the job titles, job descriptions, and employment requirements of the Expanded Learning workforce.
  • Career Pathways: Articulating a common vision of the Expanded Learning workforce that outlines the many entry points into, within, and beyond Expanded Learning careers. The Unifying Vision of the Expanded Learning Workforce in California will be released in spring 2021.
  • Equitable Workforce Strategies: Exploring and developing an earn and learn model that will promote career advancement and economic mobility for low-income people and people of color.

In 2021- 2022, the WIC proposes to focus on the following strategies:  

Information Coming Soon!

About the Workforce Implementation Committee

Committee Leadership 

In Fall 2020, the Workforce Implementation Committee was formed with the leadership of Kourtney Andrada, Girls Inc. of Alameda County; Darrell Parsons, Expanded Learning Division (EXLD, California Department of Education; and Aleah Rosario, former Senior Specialist, California AfterSchool Network, and is currently led by CAN Quality & Equity team. 

Committee Members

The Committee members were recruited to represent a diverse group of stakeholders and will serve a two-year term (2020-2022). Committee members are comprised of representatives from EXL programs throughout California including rural locations, as well as various stakeholder groups including System of Support for Expanded Learning (SSEL) members, EXL Technical Assistance (TA) providers, community-based organizations, and higher education.