After School Meal Program
Best Practices from the Field
Read best practices from programs that are serving meals in their after school programs around the state including Oakland Unified School District, South Bay Union School District, and the YMCA of Silicon Valley.
Groundbreaking Compendium on Expanded Learning Released
Released on February 5th at the National Press Club, Expanding Minds and Opportunities: Leveraging the Power of Afterschool and Summer Learning for Student Success is a collection of articles on almost every aspect of afterschool and summer learning programs. From the Expanded Learning and Afterschool Project’s press release:
This landmark collection of nearly 70 articles is being met with great acclaim, as it presents bold and persuasive evidence and best practices from the field that quality expanded learning opportunities
California After School Program Quality Self-Assessment Tool
Released in 2009
This version of the California Afterschool Program Quality Self-Assessment Tool (QSA) and User’s Guide was released in 2009. Programs can use this tool to self-assess their program and make plans for program improvement. The tool focuses on big-picture program design elements and important considerations at the point of service.
Please note that an updated version called the Quality Assessment Tool (QAT) will be released soon. See the post below for details.