News & Events Archive
Bite-Size Video #7: Ensuring Student Comprehension
CalSAC's Multilingual Learners Training Project
In the seventh installment of the Multilingual Learner (ML) Bite-Sized Video Series, Beverly shares two research-backed strategies to ensure comprehension as all students—including multilingual learners— continue to develop their vocabulary and speaking skills in one or more languages. Learn how to intentionally incorporate methods to ensure student comprehension in activities in your program!
CA State Budget Updates
July 2, 2021
We know there are many questions about the state budget and you all have been patiently waiting for updates! We don’t have all the answers yet but wanted to share what we do know. Below is what we know as of this moment, and things are rapidly shifting, so by the time you actually read this email, it could have changed!
CAN Newsletter- Summer is Here!
July 13, 2021
Summer learning can offer opportunities for children and youth to engage in fun, explore something new with hands-on, learning experiences, and make new connections and friends. Especially, after a school year of high levels of pivoting and a hybrid blend of online and in-person school experiences, the Summer season offers an opportunity to be engaged in learning opportunities and prepare young people for the school year to come.
Bite-Size Video #6: Supporting Academic Language Development in OST Programs
CalSAC's Multilingual Learners Training Project
Language development is an ongoing process that happens all the time, not just in designated “language learning” time. The flexibility of programming in out-of-school time (OST) programs equips youth practitioners to support the ongoing language development of all students, especially multilingual learners.
In this video, watch as Delaney discusses ways to intentionally teach English and academic vocabulary throughout activities implemented in OST programs.
Equity Evolution: CAN’s Growth Story
The Beginning of Our Journey
Happy Monday Everyone!
So, as I wind down my Juneteenth weekend in Oakland, CA – a large community event, followed by a “PRIDE 4 Juneteenth” gathering, and lastly, an intimate conversation with friends about token gestures vs real systemic change – I thought what an appropriate time to begin what CAN hopes will be some communal learning with our field.
Budget Updates & Discussion on Supporting Older Youth
Fireside Chat: June 8, 2021
Join us for our 30th fireside chat. In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network is joined by Michael Funk from the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education and Anthony Urias, Site Coordinator, and Brad Lupien, President & CEO from arc.
In this chat, we discuss key updates on the education budget, which has now passed out of the Assembly and Senate Subcommittees Finance committees, and how they impact our Expanded Learning Programs, including an increase to the ASES and 21st CCLC Daily Rate to $10.75 and $3.3 Billion in new funding for an Expanded Learning program similar to ASES to support TK-6 programs.
We continue to celebrate the unprecedented investment in Expanded Learning – recognizing the essential role of these programs to support our youth, families, and communities. We also recognize that there is still the need to ensure these dollars are structured in such a way to truly leverage the investment and support our staff and all of our youth, including middle and high school students.
Access the newest report on Promoting Protective Factors in California’s Afterschool Programs.
CAN Newsletter – Celebrating Pride Month!
June 8, 2021
Say no to hate. Stick with love. Our work in youth development needs to be centered on equity; where we create, build, and maintain emotionally and physically inclusive spaces for ALL children and youth to learn, grow, and be unapologetically themselves.
As we celebrate Pride Month, we also continue to stand in solidarity with our LGBTQ+ community of youth and adults. We support the work to outlaw discriminatory laws and practices against LGBTQ+ Americans, of all ages. In schools and OST programs, we have the opportunity to talk with young people about LGBTQ+ people and their struggles to achieve equity and justice in all aspects of their lives. It is also a great opportunity to learn about those who have created change in our communities.
Bite-Size Video #5: Supporting Language Development through Speaking Practice
CalSAC's Multilingual Learners Training Project
This video focuses on learning how to intentionally create space for multilingual learners to practice speaking English and their home language in out-of-school time (OST) programs, and how it supports their ongoing language development. Explore different ways to create space for speaking practice as Dianna shares two research-based strategies to apply in your program this summer.
Budget Updates
Fireside Chat: May 26, 2021
Join us for our 29th fireside chat. In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network is joined by Michael Funk from the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education and several members of the California Afterschool Advocacy Alliance.
In this chat, we discuss key updates on the education budget, which has passed out of the Assembly and Senate Subcommittees on Education Finance, and how they impact our Expanded Learning Programs, including an increase to the ASES and 21st CCLC Daily Rate to $10.75 and now a proposed $2.5 Billion in new funding for an Expanded Learning program similar to ASES. We continue to celebrate the unprecedented investment in Expanded Learning - recognizing the essential role of these programs to support our youth, families, and communities.
We also recognize that there is still the need to ensure these dollars are structured in such a way to truly leverage the investment and support our staff and youth. There are more than enough resources to stabilize existing programs and serve more students.
We need your help to:
- Support the Senate and Assembly’s proposal for daily rates (per pupil funding) for state and federally-funded programs.
- Ensure that we don’t leave out middle school and high school students.
- Build strong and sustainable community partnerships.
Text Your Budget Leaders
Text “CAAFTERSCHOOLWORKS” to 52886 or visit to direct calls and tweets to key decision-makers.
Sign-On Letter Info:
Add your organization to the sign-on letter (, by sending your information by noon on Friday 5/28. Send this information to
- Organization
- Signatory’s name
- Title
- Logo
Take Action Today: Governor’s May Revise Budget
Sign On Letter Due Today by 1:00 PM
Budget decisions are moving quickly and that the Assembly and Senate Budget Subcommittees will be voting on education proposals on Tuesday, May 25.
The Governor’s budget proposal makes a historic commitment to grow afterschool and summer programs in the most under-resourced communities. However, action is needed to stabilize our existing expanded learning system with adequate daily rates, make sure we don’t leave out our middle and high school students, and ensure the engagement of community partners.
Updates on Governor’s Budget Proposal
Fireside Chat: May 21, 2021
Join us for our 28th fireside chat. In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network and Michael Funk from the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education are joined by Jennifer Peck of the Partnership for Children and Youth.
In this chat, we discuss key updates on the budget that impact our Expanded Learning Programs, including the Governor’s proposal for $1 Billion in funding for a new program and the ASES Daily Rate.
We celebrate the unprecedented investment in Expanded Learning - recognizing the essential role of these programs to support our youth, families, and communities. We also recognize that there is still the need to ensure these dollars are structured in such a way to truly leverage the investment and support our staff and youth.
Stay tuned for a sign-on letter, social media language, and other tools to help elevate your voice!
Governor’s May Revise – Big News for Afterschool in CA!
May 14, 2021
Big news this week!
On Wednesday, May 12, 2021 during a press conference Governor Newsom announced his “Plan to Transform Public Schools into Gateways of Opportunity” with a $20 Billion investment. Today the Governor announced his full May Revision proposal for the 2021-22 Budget.
Registration is OPEN for the AB86 ELO Grant Convening!
Wednesday, May 5, 2021; 9:00 AM- 3:00 PM
Join us for a convening on A Whole Child Approach to the AB86 Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grants!
All CA Educators, of all sectors, are invited and encouraged to participate! This free virtual convening is designed to support the CA Educational Ecosystem with state and federal opportunities in supporting children, youth, and communities, with a Whole Child approach.
Space is limited, secure your spot today!
Promoting Protective Factors in California’s Afterschool Programs
June 2021
This report was created by WestEd and commissioned by the California AfterSchool Network.
The report, drawing on data from the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS), examines the extent to which afterschool programs* may help foster more protective factors among its participants compared to their peers who were not program participants.
Below are some excerpts from the report that outline the Protective Factors Framework and key findings.
Register Today! A Whole Child Approach to the AB86 Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grant Convening
For ALL California Educators and Education Leaders!
Wednesday, May 5, 2021: 9:00 AM- 3:00 PM
The CA AfterSchool Network is excited to collaborate with the CA Department of Education, Expanded Learning Division, and the CA Collaborative for Educational Excellence to offer ALL CA Educators and Educational Leaders, of all sectors, an opportunity to participate in a free virtual convening, to support A Whole Child Approach to the AB86 ELO Grant.
Registration and Convening Details
Save the Date: A Whole Child Approach to the AB86 Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Grant Convening
For ALL California Educators and Education Leaders!
The CA AfterSchool Network is excited to collaborate with the CA Department of Education, Expanded Learning Division, and the CA Collaborative for Educational Excellence to offer ALL CA Educators and Educational Leaders, of all sectors, an opportunity to participate in a virtual convening, to support A Whole Child Approach to the AB86 ELO Grant.
Wednesday, May 5, 2021, 9:00 AM- 3:00 PM
Additional details and registration coming soon!
Access the Save the Date flyer and share it with fellow educator friends and colleagues!
Policy Updates on Program Flexibility & AB86
Fireside Chat: April 2, 2021
Join us for our 27th fireside chat. In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network and Michael Funk from the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education discuss several important policy updates on program flexibility for the 2021-2022 school year and on implementation and support of the AB 86 Expanded Learning Opportunity Grants.
Access More AB86 Details:
Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant (AB 86) Plan Template and Instructions has Posted
March 26, 2021
The California Department of Education (CDE) has posted the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan template and instructions on the CDE’s website here: The Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan must be completed by local educational agencies (LEAs) as a condition of receiving an Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant.
Interview with Monterey Peninsula Unified School District
Fireside Chat: March 11, 2021
Join us for our 26th fireside chat. In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network and Michael Funk from the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education are joined by Dr. Francine Ann Stewart from Monterey Peninsula Unified School District. We discuss practical ways that MPUSD has addressed COVID-19 challenges including prioritizing enrollment, policies and procedures including COVID exposure notifications that keep students and staff safe, staffing challenges and planning for summer. Access related materials discussed during the chat:
Elk Grove USD & Updates on AB86, Audits, Waivers, and Flexibility
Fireside Chat: March 5, 2021
Join us for our 25th Fireside Chat. In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network and Michael Funk from the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education are joined by Erin Sipes and Athena McQuarry from Elk Grove Unified School District. We discuss several important policy updates on the signing of AB86 (in particular section 43522 of the bill), program flexibility, waivers, and audits, and the group chats about their learning hubs and planning efforts.
Access the full text of AB86 on Leg Info.