COVID Policy


Policy & Legislation Updates

We have developed these webpages to provide updates on state and federal policy, legislation, and other key information to upport our communities while many of us are faced with new realities including sheltering in place, working from home, caring and educating children and youth from home, and many other new and unique challenges.

Resources to check often for up to date information include the:

Additional resources are being curated and these webpages will be updated often.  If you have questions about the content on this page or suggestions for additional content that would be useful please contact the CAN team.


First Chat of 2021: Urgent Budget and Legislation Updates
Fireside Chat: January 28, 2021

First Chat of 2021: Urgent Budget and Legislation Updates

Join us for our 22nd and first fireside chat of 2021. In this chat, Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network is joined by Michael Funk from the Expanded Learning Division of the California Department of Education and Jen Dietrich from the Partnership for Children and Youth to discuss budget and legislation updates that impact California’s Expanded Learning programs. Below are opportunities outlined during the chat.


Final Chat of 2020: Looking Back in Service of Looking Forward
Fireside Chat: December 14, 2020

Final Chat of 2020: Looking Back in Service of Looking Forward

Join us for our 21st and final fireside chat of 2020. In this chat, Tiffany Gipson and Heather Williams from the California AfterSchool Network are joined by Michael Funk from the Expanded Learning Division at the California Department of Education to reflect back on 2020 in service of looking forward. 2020 has been a challenging year for all of us but has also presented many moments for learning, opportunity, and hope. Join us as we discuss this journey and how we might move forward differently in 2021.


Update on Waivers and Interview with BACR
Fireside Chat: November 16, 2020

Update on Waivers and Interview with BACR

The California AfterSchool Network is hosting near weekly interviews with Michael Funk, Division Director for the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division (EXLD).

The 20th Fireside Chat includes some minor updates on the Department of Social Services waiver requirements. We are also excited to be joined by Mariana Lopez Quintanilla, Program Director – Marin County, for Bay Area Community Resources (BACR). Mariana shares with us how BACR has been supporting their students during COVID, in particular with Learning Hubs and Hybrid Learning.

Waiver Guidance (As of October 20, 2020)
The California Department of Education, Expanded Learning Division in collaboration with the California Department of Social Services has updated guidance for those expanded learning programs that operate more than 60 hours or for students that attend for more than 30 hours.


Expanded Learning Guidance on Senate Bill 98 (SB 820)

CDE Logo

The Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) of the California Department of Education is happy to announce an update to the guidance for Senate Bill (SB) 98 (SB 820 modified on September 18, 2020), Statutes of 2020 is available for Fiscal Year 2020–21, and is posted on the California Department of Education’s website at Revised Senate Bill 98 Guidance.

This update provided the following:


Update on SB820 and Interview with BGCGG
Fireside Chat: September 23, 2020

Update on SB820 and Interview with BGCGG

The California AfterSchool Network is hosting near weekly interviews with Michael Funk, Division Director for the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division (EXLD).

The 18th Fireside Chat includes some updates on the signing of SB82 and the Department of Social Services waiver requirements, and how each of these impact Expanded Learning Programs. We are also excited to be joined by the Boys & Girls Club of Garden Grove as they discuss their clubs work on equity and racial justice and how they provide services that support whole child and community health and wellness during these challenging times:

  • Mark Surmanian
  • Christina Sepulveda
  • Justin Kalolo

Interview with Fontana USD – Serving Students In Person
Fireside Chat: September 8, 2020

Interview with Fontana USD – Serving Students In Person

The California AfterSchool Network is hosting near weekly interviews with Michael Funk, Division Director for the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division (EXLD).

In the 17th Fireside Chat we are excited to be joined by Fontana Unified School District (FUSD) an ASES grantee and their sub-grantee, the City of Fontana:

  • Yubleni Cazares, Project Manager, ASES Program, FUSD
  • Sergio Barragan, Community Services Coordinator, City of Fontana
  • Cleo Upshaw, Site Coordinator, City of Fontana

Yubleni, Sergio, and Cleo discuss with us how they serve the needs of their community through their in-person services for students.


Update on CDSS, CDPH Guidance, Interview with OUSD
Fireside Chat: Aug 27, 2020

Update on CDSS, CDPH Guidance, Interview with OUSD

The California AfterSchool Network is hosting near weekly interviews with Michael Funk, Division Director for the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division (EXLD).

In the 16th Fireside Chat we discuss the recently released guidance and FAQs from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the California Department of Social Services (CDSS).

This week we are also excited to be joined by Curtiss Sarikey, Chief of Staff at Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) and Martha Pena, Afterschool Programs Coordinator for OUSD. Curtiss and Martha go deep into the authentic partnerships with the school day and out out of school programs within the district to integrate their programs to serve youth in their district with a whole child framework and lens.


Update on CDE EXLD FAQs & Interview with Woodcraft Rangers
Fireside Chat: Aug 10, 2020

Update on CDE EXLD FAQs & Interview with Woodcraft Rangers

The California AfterSchool Network is hosting weekly interviews with Michael Funk, Division Director for the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division (EXLD).

In the 15th Fireside Chat we discuss the recently posted FAQs from the EXLD in light of the release of Governor Gavin Newsom’s Pandemic Plan for Learning and Safe Schools.

This week we are also excited to be joined by the team at Woodcraft Rangers. We are joined by Julee Brooks – Chief Executive Officer, Danny Salas – Director of Expanded Learning, and Helen Santos – Director of Digital Learning. They share with us how they have built connections and engagement with family, their ever-improving quality virtual engagement opportunities with students, and how they are supporting staff while addressing health and safety issues. Learn more about Woodcraft Rangers:


Update on Recent Governor Guidance & Interview with EDMO on Virtual Learning
Fireside Chat: July 23, 2020

Update on Recent Governor Guidance & Interview with EDMO on Virtual Learning

The California AfterSchool Network is hosting weekly interviews with Michael Funk, Division Director for the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division.

In this 14th Fireside Chat Michael discusses the most recently approved guidance from the CDE and Department of Finance in light of the release of Governor Gavin Newsom’s Pandemic Plan for Learning and Safe Schools last Friday. Written guidance will be forthcoming.

This week we are also excited to be joined by the wonderful co-founders of Edventure More (also known as EDMO) – Eduardo Caballero, Co-Founder & Executive Director and Sharon Mor, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer. They share with us how they quickly pivoted to providing quality virtual opportunities, their emphasis on equity (and expanding access to their programs), student engagement strategies, and more. Learn more about EDMO:


Expanded Learning This Fall – Interview with Sacramento Partners
Fireside Chat: July 14, 2020

Expanded Learning This Fall – Interview with Sacramento Partners

The California AfterSchool Network is hosting weekly interviews with Michael Funk, Division Director for the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division.

In this 13th Fireside Chat we are excited to be joined by some of our outstanding partners here in Sacramento – Jason Smith and Monik Vega from Sacramento Chinese Community Service Center and Dr. Gema Godina-Martinez, Principal for Washington Elementary School. This week, and over the coming weeks, we will be using this platform to highlight programs that are engaging and leading in conversations around what school and Expanded Learning look like this Fall and over the next school year, and how they serve their students and communities.


Interview with Michael Funk, CA Budget Protects Afterschool
Fireside Chat: June 30, 2020

Interview with Michael Funk,  CA Budget Protects Afterschool

The California AfterSchool Network is hosting weekly interviews with Michael Funk, Division Director for the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division.

In this 12th fireside chat we briefly discuss updates on the signed CA Budget and Budget Trailer Bill Language. We will continue to dive deeper into these issues over the coming weeks. See CAN’s most recent newsletter for more details.


Updates on the CA Budget, the Executive Order Extension, and Reopening of Schools
Fireside Chat: June 16, 2020

Updates on the CA Budget, the Executive Order Extension, and Reopening of Schools

The California AfterSchool Network is hosting weekly interviews with Michael Funk, Division Director for the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division.

In this 11th fireside chat we discuss updates on the CA Budget, including potential Budget Trailer Bill Language, the extension of the Governor’s Executive Order impacting Expanded Learning programs, and CDE Guidance on the Reopening of Schools, including the impacts on Expanded Learning. We will continue to dive deeper into these issues over the coming weeks.

Links to documents referenced during the video:


Think Together On Black Lives Matter and Expanded Learning as Social Justice Work
Fireside Chat: June 3, 2020

Think Together On Black Lives Matter and Expanded Learning as Social Justice Work

The California AfterSchool Network is hosting weekly interviews with Michael Funk, Division Director for the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division.

In this tenth interview, we are joined by Tommy Brewer, Cindy Martinez, and Angelina Hernadez with Think Together. The conversation is centered on the events of the last week, Expanded Learning as a form of Social Justice/Social Change work, and critical advocacy efforts to support this work. A special thank you to all of our guests for showing up raw, unscripted, and human during these challenging times.

You can read CAN’s full statement in solidarity of Black Lives here.


ASES Kids Code Frequently Asked Questions
CDE Update: June 1, 2020

California Department of Education

Dear After School Education and Safety Kids Code Grantees,

Thank you for your patience while the Expanded Learning Division (EXLD) has been focused on a lot of issues during these unprecedented times. Below are a few Frequently Asked Questions about the After School Education and Safety (ASES) Kids Code grant.


Interview with Sweetwater Union High School District
Fireside Chat: May 27, 2020

Interview with Sweetwater Union High School District

The California AfterSchool Network is hosting weekly interview with Michael Funk, Division Director for the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division.

In this ninth interview, we are joined by Esther Parrenas, Site Coordinator for Southwest Middle School and Cesar Fernandez with Sweetwater Union School District to share how they have been engaging with their students and families during the COVID-19 school closures, as well as how they are engaged in the planning for re-opening of schools.


CA3 on the Governor’s Proposed Budget
Fireside Chat: May 21, 2020

CA3 on the Governor’s Proposed Budget

The California AfterSchool Network is hosting weekly intervieww with Michael Funk, Division Director for the California Department of Education Expanded Learning Division.

In this eighth interview we are joined by Jen Dietrich from California Afterschool Advocacy Alliance, also known as CA3, to talk about the Governor’s May Revise Budget that was released last Thursday and the potential impacts for Expanded Learning in California. We are also joined by CA3 members Malia Villarreal and Mike Snell from the California Teaching Fellows Foundation to speak to the potential budget impacts at a programmatic level.

Everyone can take action to protect our programs: Text “Afterschool” to 52886

For more details visit​.